
Eddie Wilkes is not Monterey's best private investigator. Not even second best, really. So he's surprised when, following the disappearance of infamously eccentric artist Julia Warren, her wife seeks him out to help her find out what happened, with explicit instructions to avoid the police. Driven by curiosity and a handsome payout to follow what few leads he can piece together, Eddie learns the terrible nature of a truth he always thought benign: that the wages of curiosity is knowledge.

Due to thematic material and disturbing imagery, this comic is not recommended for readers under the age of 18. It contains themes of derealization, meta-horror, existential distress, and extremely dense fractal patterns which may strain the eyes, particularly on large, high-resolution screens.

Julia is a horror one-shot drawn and written by Suehiro Moncrieff. Mathematical projections calculated by Suehiro Moncrieff, mapped out and rendered partially in Jux 3.5 and Mandelbulb 3D.

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